Pilot Study Participation

Thank you for helping us build our Creative Community!

Your thoughts, time, opinions, and suggestions will not go unheard throughout this Pilot Study. With your help, we can create a platform that will help you, our innovative Creatives, do what you love for a living. As a thank you, after the Pilot Study, we will offer you one (1) year free membership. You will have access to:


Chat with the mentors (the individuals you saw in the videos, and many more)
Access to our FULL video library
Tools, resources, guidance to help you start and maintain your freelance business
The Freshmeet U. book – The Creative’s Guide to Adulting
Participation in the Open Mic Night, with popular SM Influencers showcasing your performance/work on their platform
Discount to our Virtual Conference – accessing creative SM Influencers, investors, businesses specifically for Creatives, and much more!